Early Book Review of A & P

Early Book Review of A & P

Here is a link to a way-too-early book review of The Atheist and the Parrotfish.   From the web site of US Reviews: “Sometimes reviewers apply a RECOMMENDED rating to outstanding books…the recommended rating is used less than 10-20% of the...


Hello again, and welcome to my new website! It has been quite a while since my last post because, well, it took a long time to finish my next novel. But I finally have and I wanted to share the news. The Atheist and the Parrotfish is due for publication in May of...

The Benefits of Literary Fiction

The Benefits of Literary Fiction The genre I write in is literary fiction, which appears to be unique in its ability to affect human behavior. I have previously written about a biologic basis for empathy. Now researchers have demonstrated that reading literary fiction...